
(PR = peer-reviewed; OA = open access)

Journals that Publish on Games in General

Games and Culture (PR)
Games and Culture: A Journal of Interactive Media is a quarterly international journal that publishes innovative theoretical and empirical research about games and culture within interactive media.

Simulation and Gaming: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Theory, Practice and Research (PR)
Simulation & Gaming: An International Journal of Theory, Practice and Research appraises academic and applied issues in the expanding fields of simulation, computer- and internet-mediated simulation, virtual reality, educational games, video games, industrial simulators, active and experiential learning, case studies, and related methodologies.

International Journal of Games-Based Learning (PR)
IJGBL is devoted to the theoretical and empirical understanding of game-based learning. The journal publishes multidisciplinary research from fields that explore the cognitive and psychological aspects that underpin successful educational video games.

Transformative Works and Cultures (PR, OA)
TWC publishes articles about transformative works, broadly conceived; articles about media studies; and articles about the fan community. We invite papers in all areas, including fan fiction, fan vids, film, TV, anime, comic books, fan community, video games, and machinima.

Refractory: A Journal of Entertainment Media (PR, OA)
A refereed, peer-reviewed, e-journal that explores the diverging and intersecting aspects of current and past entertainment media.

American Journal of Play (PR)
A journal that publishes articles discussing the history, culture, and psychology of play.

Journals that Publish on Computer-based or Digital Games

Journal of Virtual Worlds Research (PR, OA)
A transdisciplinary journal that engages a wide spectrum of scholarship and welcomes contributions from the many disciplines and approaches that intersect virtual worlds research. We consider virtual worlds to be computer-based simulated environment where users interact with other users through graphic or textual representations of themselves utilizing textual chat, voice, video or other forms of communication.

Game Studies: The International Journal of Computer Game Research (PR, OA)
Our primary focus is aesthetic, cultural and communicative aspects of computer games, but any previously unpublished article focused on games and gaming is welcome.

Eludamos: Journal for Computer Game Culture (PR, OA)
An international, multi-disciplined, biannual e-journal that publishes peer-reviewed articles that theoretically and/or empirically deal with digital games in their manifold appearances and their sociocultural-historical contexts.

Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication (PR, OA)
Its focus is social science research on computer-mediated communication via the Internet, the World Wide Web, and wireless technologies.

Computers in Human Behavior (PR)
A scholarly journal dedicated to examining the use of computers from a psychological perspective.

Journals that Publish on Pedagogy in the Disciplines

Currents in Electronic Literacy (PR, OA)
Advances digital literacies by critiquing and assessing the present state of the field. We construe electronic literacy widely to include literature, rhetoric and composition, languages (English, foreign, and ESL), communication studies, education, and pedagogy.

Writing on the Edge (PR)
An interdisciplinary journal focusing on writing and the teaching of writing, emphasizing new approaches to composition such as cross-disciplinary writing, computers in the classroom, and collaborative writing.

Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology and Pedagogy (PR, OA)
Kairos seeks to publish articles both on the theory and practice of the convergence of rhetoric, pedagogy and technology: technology in the writing classroom.

Journals that Publish on Educational Research

Curriculum Inquiry (PR)
Dedicated to the study of educational research, development, evaluation, and theory

Educational Researcher (PR)
Publishes scholarly articles that are of general significance to the education research community and that come from a wide range of areas of education research and related disciplines.

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