Leah Potter has served as educational and historical consultant for Mission U.S., a series of games meant to teach middle-school students about American history. The first episode, “For Crown or Colony?” is now live and ready to play. Early reviews are favorable, including this one from storied game designer Greg Costikyan at Play This Thing!, where the byline says it all: “It sucketh not”!
All posts by Robert O. Duncan
The Motherlode of Game-Based Learning Research
CGN’s own Frank Crocco discovered this treasure-trove of a bibliography for game based learning a while ago, and we’ve just been waiting to migrate the site to put it up. And so, without further ado, here is Advanced Distributed Learning’s Exhausive Bibliography of game-based learning.
Developmental Writing, the RPG
Students in Frank Crocco’s Developmental Writing class know that they’d better show up, and on-time, lest they run out of hit points and fail the adventure that is English 095.
Frank has created a D&D-style student-progress sheet that he has experimented with in a few iterations of his Developmental Writing course. We’re going to get him to blog about his thought about gaming up writing using the tools of role-playing in a future post, but for now, we offer up the following tantalizing tidbit: the “player” sheet he gave to all of his students. Enjoy!