Tag Archives: Gamification

Can Gamification Save Our Broken Education System?

In the dialogue on how technology may save education for a generation facing a broken public school system and countless distractions, gamification has received plenty of attention. But can digital games – often the very source of distraction — engage the new generation in education? Yes and no. Games are a tool, and their value in education depends on how they fit into our overall strategy.

via Can Gamification Save Our Broken Education System? – Forbes.

Gamify Your Life: A Guide to Incentivizing Everything

Going to the gym for an hour is 2 red points. Calling my mom is 1 blue point while calling Aunt Deborah is 5 blue points because, honestly, Aunt Deb’s sort of a pain to talk to and sometimes she says crazy inappropriate things. Cleaning the bathroom is 15 red points. Otherwise I would never do it. This is the plan to gamify my life, to relate everything I do to a point-based game.

Gamify Your Life: A Guide to Incentivizing Everything.

Gamification, Brainstorming Come Together in ‘Academy of Ideas’

Gamification is now being used in the ideation process, too, and some companies are creating immersive platforms that aim to not only get users to participate, but truly want them to have fun while solving a company’s challenges.

One such site is the Academy of Ideas. Created in 2011, the Latvian platform runs as both an internal brainstorming tool, as well as a public, crowdsourced one. To access the public at large, the Academy of Ideas team built a Facebook app for users to host open crowdsourced contests.

via Gamification, Brainstorming Come Together in ‘Academy of Ideas’.