We’ve finally had a chance to pull together all of the tweets from the CUNY Games Festival, everything folks posted to Twitter during (and around) the conference using our hashtag #cgf2014. Thanks to all of our attendees who tweeted, we have a great archive of many of of the conference presentations and reactions to the conference and plenary panel. Browse through the tweets and images on Storify and relive all the fun of the conference!
Image by Theo La Photo.
It always seems like the media and parent groups want to rush after video games in a flurry of pitchforks and torches for the allegedly horrendous influence they hold over the youth of today. Debate is great, of course, but in reality, gaming actually holds some amazing, engaging benefits perfect for the educational setting. Game-based learning continues fascinating edtech enthusiasts, who eagerly flock to social media to share their developments, research, designs, and strategies. And a few of them are listed here in no particular order.
via 50 Best Twitter Feeds to Follow Educational Gaming – Online Universities.
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